Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tuesday's Inspiration - More on creativity and courage

When reading this segment of the book The Courage To Create by Rollo May I came across these words. "Creativity is the encounter of the intensively conscious human being with his or her world."

As a writer of fiction sometimes contemporary and sometimes fantasy or other genres I must always be aware of the time in which I live. My fictional encounters need to reflect my visions of what is surrounding me in life as well as to intensify what I am writing about.

There is the encounter which could be the theme underlying the work. There is the intensity of this meaning the emotional effect on the writer and also on the surrounding peopled world. Each writer has their underlying encounters with reality and non-reality. The encounter and the intensity of this must be outwardly be shown and hopefully the readers will understand.

Look at what your underlying encounters and what emotions are triggered. Filter them through the intensity and bring them to life.

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