Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Wednesday;s Writer's Tip - About those major characters #amwriting

Now we come to major characters and how to make them live in the eyes of the readers. These characters may be hero, heroine, villain, victims, red herrings. These are the people in the story that need to have a focus on them. How does one do this.

Give them a unique characteristic. In my murder series, Katherine does mint tea, not only drinking but growing, preservine and blending. This is her characteristic and the reader knows a lot about hefrom mint tea. A character in the series is Robespierre, the Maine Coon cat. He has his own traits for the reader to recoganize. Here I am using a detail that goes from book to book. Try to find racteristics to define a character.

Use the character's emotions and keep them specific. There are certain ways a character reacts to the same or similar situation.

Show them in action. Show the character doing something and show how they are reacting rather than letting the action take stage

Don't do this all at once. Long sentences make the reader wonder what they are supposed to remember. Feeding these items in gradually and you build a character that grows in the story and on the reader.

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