Monday, April 16, 2018

Meandering on Monday with Janet Lane Walters #MFRWauthor #poem #writing

Meander 1 - Poem - Spellbound

On a frosty night
A couple strolled
Not touching, not reaching
Yet caring. Rain misting
And blurring their eyes.
They stopped and turned
One look - Spellbound
Enchanted frozen pair
And statued there
Reaching with a glance
To pierce each other's souls.

Meander 2 - Restless - Lately, I've been feeling restless, not exactly afraid but anxiety about the world follows me daily. Not sure when this will end but hopefully soon. Perhaps the world can settle into peace instead of selfish pursuit.

Meander 3 - Writing - So far the writing is going slowly. Want to finish the last of the Opposites in Love series. One problem is, I think I need more chapters so perhaps as the story mores forward, I will find more than I have foreseen.

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